Grant Writer on Call

Grant Writing is a Ghost Writing Service of CDG

Jean Campbell is the Grant Writer on call. During her 35 years in nonprofit management and services, she’s designed and developed over 100 educational, health care, and social service programs. She raised over 100 million dollars, through federal, state, city, community, foundation, and private grants, to support these initiatives.

Grant Writing Services

Pre-Grant Writing Activities:

  • Identify the problem/goal that grant funding will address. If a new program is required to address this need/assist in its development.
  • Determine how this program or service will continue after the life of the grant is completed.
  • Work with agency staff to identify measurable objectives for inclusion in the grant evaluation plan.
  • Identify and outreach to potential funding sources.
  • Budget development
  • Obtain guidelines for grant submission.
  • Complete and submit all forms required by funding source.

Grant Writing Activities

  • Write grant.
  • Secure necessary signatures.
  • Submit required copies of grant, budget and enclosures to funding source.
  • Follow up with funding source to insure proposal arrived.

Post -Grant Submission Activities

Assist in-house staff, as needed to:

Set up financial compliance monitoring.

Grant reports regarding the activities required in the grant award

At completion of grant submit the final paperwork.

Standard Fee for Service

Fee Per Grant (Includes Pre/ Post Activities)

Foundation, corporate and private grants $ 1,000

Gov. Grants -less than 12 pages + application $1,500

Gov. Grants-more than 12 pg./less than 25 pg.  $3,000          

Monthly Retainer Plan

  Funding Research-  $300 (10 hrs per month)

Grant writing per proposal for foundation, corporate, private $750

Gov. Grants less than 12 pages  $1,000

Large Gov. Grants 12-25  pages $ 2,500